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Hello everyone,

   I am proud to say that me and a friend my mine have passed our radio show test! We will have our own radio show in the Spring  called “Best of Both Worlds” , since we both listen to different music.  Just wanted to let everyone know! Hope everyone will be listening!!!


So last weekend I participated in Relay for Life with Danceworks. It was a lot of fun, and I felt good about being a part of it. Although I didn’t make it until 7 am (I skipped out of there at 2), I still felt as though my participation was appreciated. For anyone who didn’t go, I recommend it for next year. It’s a lot of fun; I even thought about donating my hair to Locks of Love but when they measured 10 inches it seemed a little toooooo short. The slam poet, Asia, was amazing. His poetry readings were by far my favorite part of the night. Anyway, it was a great time and I would certainly do it again.


I found the “Second Life” program ineresting, but not very practical. I don’t really see how anyone would have the time to sit down, create their character, and then create an actual life for them. I didn’t really understand the point of one either. Is it a game? Are you supposed to make it into what you’d like to be when you’re older? I’m not sure I understood the point of one….


Are we supposed to write papers on the events that we went to? I am not sure, but I think I went to four of the required events. What kind of events were we supposed to go again, and where should we write down the events that we attended?

Thanks, Jess

Dear Class,

We will meet as usual on Wednesday for our last class in Sperry. Our theme will be informed by a favorite story of mine, Joyce Carol Oates’ “Where Are You Going? Where Have You Been?”

So do some thinking about where you’ve been and where you’re going.

Turtle papers are due in class this week. Please be sure you staple your paper and do number the pages of any paper you turn in for any course. Please, too, be sure you have a title for your paper. The title may have evolved from initial drafts.

I will also be asking you to sign up for a time to meet with me before the end of the semester (in lieu of a class on the 5th) as well as to let us know which of two options for a final celebration (lunch and dinner) is best for you. It will be important to know your exam schedule when you come to COR this week.

Kaitlin and I look forward to seeing you. Be in touch. KES

We’re all soo close to winter break.  I don’t know about you guys, but I am definatly looking forward to the forty-some days off.  But is it just me, or does it seem like as much as we’d like to look forward to break, we first have to realize that we have what seems to be an impossible amount of work.  I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 papers due, and I still have a few more tests this week.  Once these next few weeks are over, I will truely be relieved beyond words and ready to start the next semester. -Connor Clark 

Your final revised version of the turtle paper is due tomorrow! If anyone needs help or advice, feel free to e-mail me (or IM–my sn is on your syllabus) because I’ll be up late tonight.

 We’ll be meeting in our normal classroom at the normal time tomorrow for our last class together. Everyone had best be there!

When are we exactly handing in our papers I thought that they were due last class and I brought mine with me, but it was not collected. Are we handing them in tomorrow?


I thought that the second life game looked really interesting. It also reminded me of the game The Sims, which is really the only game that I have ever really enjoyed playing. I really liked how the game enables students to meet other people, and get together while on the game. has anyone created one yet? I am not sure if I am going to or not.


Hope everyone had a great break!!! It was really great to be home for more than a short weekend. I finally met up with friends that I have not seen since the summer. I also got some Christmas shopping done! I can’t believe how fast this semester is going, it still feels like the semester has just started.


November 2007