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I found the trip downtonw very exciting and informative. The Blue Frog and Bookstore look like very nice places, and I had fun walking around and exploring the various buildings. I don’t go off campus a lot (except for walmart) so it was a really fun experience! I went home this weekend, and felt out of touch with the places and people back home. It was scary! I’m used to the farmland now!!


I really enjoyed Mr. McKibben’s presentation. I got there too late to find a seat but it was worth standing for. Mr. McKibben brought up many serious things going on with our earth that many people do not know are taking place. For example the temperature of the planet has already been increased by one degree and will increase more and more for the years to come. Large pieces on ice are melting and polar bears are becoming endangered. The heat of the ocean is also causing tragic storms such as hurricane Katrina. Another point Mr. McKibben brought up is that we are led to believe that any growth in the economy results in an increased amount of happiness. This however is not true. The bigger our houses are, the further we live apart from each other. 3/4 of Americans do not even know their next-door neighbors. Another problem with a growing economy is that it directly increases pollution. Which also increases global warming. If we do not do something about this problem soon it may be too late.

This Saturday Quinn and I went to downtown Ithaca with some girlfriends. The town was having an apple festival and we got to enjoy many different types of apples and good music. I enjoyed Ithaca because of its artsy feel. Festivals are really fun to go to because there are always so many different things to do. I’m looking foward to our towns Pumpkin festival this coming weekend. Making jack-o-lanterns always marks the beginning of fall, and I cant wait to make them with my new friends.

Here is the link that will be useful for determining where your Cortland ID/Connections card can buy that pizza, etc. downtown. If you have any other questions relative to our trip to Main Street last week, please comment here.

Also, please post any other experiences you’ve add and/or suggestions you’d like to make for Cortland downtown living! KES

Dear Students, I encourage you to attend this workshop if you can–it would be a good choice for one of your required COR “events.” KES

“DO the WrITE/Right Thing”: Avoiding Academic Dishonesty

Monday, October 1, 9:10 am Studio West Rm 133

A workshop presented by Gigi Peterson, Department of History

§ Do you understand Section 340.02 of the College Handbook – for which you are responsible?

§ What is acceptable paraphrasing and what is plagiarism?

§ If you cite your sources, does that cover your use of other writers’ words?

§ What are some strategies for avoiding accidental plagiarism?

§ Are the practices that were fine for Regents exams, and maybe high school classes, acceptable in college?

Hey class! Now I was just thinking about an activity that our class could do.  We should all do Relay For Life.  What better way to help out a great cause, than having a great time doing it.  Relay for life is when teams of people walk laps for about 12 hours.  People tent out after and make it such a great time, there’s food and a bunch of other things that make it definitiely worth while.  All of this fun for a fantastic cause.  It all goes towards research for cancer.  If you are indeed interested, I have formed a team with my residence hall. (Cheney) So if you aren’t already on a team, or your dorm doesn’t offer one, feel free to join ours.  There is a minimum of a ten dollar donation, and due to the fact that our team roster is due Monday (sorry about the short notice) I need to know as soon as possible. I think this is a great cause, and if we all go we can get to know each other that much better.  There is also a kickoff party for it on Monday the 1st.  Here is some more information about that:Check out a Relay for Life
Kick-Off Party!!

When? Monday October 1st
Where? Moffett Front Lawn 12-2
Corey Function Room 7-8
Why? Information! Food! Fun!

Questions: Contact

Sponsored by CAC, Funded by MAF

So I hope this interests you, and please let me know if you want to join. Thanks!

-Brittany Ballard

I suppose I enjoyed our little excursion downtown. It was a nice break from the normal classroom education. However, it would have been kind of cool to be able to spend more time in certain shops or stores. One specific time was when Lloyd took us through Mando Books. Half of the group was really interested in checking out the store, howveer whenwe looked up, we realized that the other half of the group had already run out the door to the next stop! It was a little frustrating that the rest of the group didn’t turn around and realize something had caught our attention. Other than that, I enjoyed the downtown experience.

 I also went to Ithaca oin tuesday before the Bill McKibben lecture to watch Cortlands women;s feild hockey team play Ithaca. It was a good game, we won 7-0. I enjoy watching the fieldhockey team. They are a very good team, and it’s cool to see the teamwork they display. I also enjoyed the shor4t roadtrip wiwth my friend. IT was cool too see how many Cortland students and friends and family travel to watch the sports teams as well.

Going Downtown, aside from the treacherous hike back up the hill, was very nice.  It was a good idea to meet at Blue Frog because it is a place we can use our Connections account, and I need to know these places!  Walking around town for a little while was a good experience, but not as informative as I thought it would be.

Maybe for class we could go over more of what Cortland has to offer.  Learning about where our Connections account will work, knowing more businesses, and having an idea of spots for college students to go would be very helpful.


This past Wednesday night, my resident hall, Hayes, held a program called “How Well Do You Know Your Roommate?.” My roommate and I studied each other up and down, and we even thought of really weird questions they might ask as tie breakers. Turned out, they asked the most random questions ever. Unfortunately we didn’t win the prize, a $20 gift card to Applebee’s. I was so mad that we didn’t get the prize because we have been wanting to go there forever! I don’t really get into town much, or off the campus, so it would have been nice to win. Although I didn’t win =(, I will still go to Applebee’s.


Dear Class,

It was nice to spend some of this hot afternoon with you and Lloyd!! I’m hoping you enjoyed learning a little bit more about the college you’ve chosen and the town you’ll be spending the next 4 years in!

I did not collect all of the checks today and I will continue to do that next Wednesday. The date, again, for the play is the 28th.

If you have not yet taken the CSI survey and are continuing to have difficulty with it, please get in touch with me.

I look forward to hearing how you liked Mike Green tonight.

And I want to thank Danielle and Brittany for offering to blog about campus events of interest in the next week.

Blog posts, by the way, can be extended and more than one paragraph long. Don’t be shy about writing an extended blog post.

And sometime in the next week, do blog about discussion topics and activities of interest to you for future classes.

Here are some things to look for and offer feedback about in the “turtle” drafts you’re reading:

• How does the writer bring his/her turtle to life in prose? Exclamation points in the margin show your enthusiasm.

• What details are especially compelling in clarifying the significance of the writer’s project? Circle or underline them.

• Where in the text are you most interested? Underline or otherwise indicate that.

• Where would you like to know more than the writer tells you? Point that out on the paper. Use question marks to indicate where you would like clarification.

• How/where does the writer include references to the D. Carroll excerpt we read to prompt this essay? Point those references out. Are they well integrated?

• What are three things you would most like the writer to focus on in continuing to draft this essay? Jot this note at the end of the paper.

If you have questions, please get in touch. KES

September 2007