You are currently browsing the daily archive for September 29, 2007.

Dear Students, I encourage you to attend this workshop if you can–it would be a good choice for one of your required COR “events.” KES

“DO the WrITE/Right Thing”: Avoiding Academic Dishonesty

Monday, October 1, 9:10 am Studio West Rm 133

A workshop presented by Gigi Peterson, Department of History

§ Do you understand Section 340.02 of the College Handbook – for which you are responsible?

§ What is acceptable paraphrasing and what is plagiarism?

§ If you cite your sources, does that cover your use of other writers’ words?

§ What are some strategies for avoiding accidental plagiarism?

§ Are the practices that were fine for Regents exams, and maybe high school classes, acceptable in college?

Hey class! Now I was just thinking about an activity that our class could do.  We should all do Relay For Life.  What better way to help out a great cause, than having a great time doing it.  Relay for life is when teams of people walk laps for about 12 hours.  People tent out after and make it such a great time, there’s food and a bunch of other things that make it definitiely worth while.  All of this fun for a fantastic cause.  It all goes towards research for cancer.  If you are indeed interested, I have formed a team with my residence hall. (Cheney) So if you aren’t already on a team, or your dorm doesn’t offer one, feel free to join ours.  There is a minimum of a ten dollar donation, and due to the fact that our team roster is due Monday (sorry about the short notice) I need to know as soon as possible. I think this is a great cause, and if we all go we can get to know each other that much better.  There is also a kickoff party for it on Monday the 1st.  Here is some more information about that:Check out a Relay for Life
Kick-Off Party!!

When? Monday October 1st
Where? Moffett Front Lawn 12-2
Corey Function Room 7-8
Why? Information! Food! Fun!

Questions: Contact

Sponsored by CAC, Funded by MAF

So I hope this interests you, and please let me know if you want to join. Thanks!

-Brittany Ballard

September 2007